Posts by Isabelle Demeunynck:
Summer In Shanghai
Summer in Shanghai is hot and humid. With occasional painful and constant heat, here are some of the best places to escape steam and cool down.
Chinese Hospitality
Do you know the correct Chinese hospitality etiquette when you’re buying gifts as one of their guests? Here are 4 things you need to know about etiquette in
Chinese Lingo on the Internet
A lot of the textual Chinese lingo used by locals is made up of numbers. While this appears to be some kind of code, all you have to do is simply sound out
Chinese Slang
Word on the streets is that Chinese slang is original, sometimes being an accurate translation of English, other times seemingly originating elsewhere
China's Richest
The juxtaposition of China’s richest and poorest creates an ever-present effect on those trying to keep up. But who exactly are the richest players?
Become a Chinese Master Chef
Can't decide which Chinese dish to choose when venturing out to local restaurants? Their menus are often in Chinese, so here are 5 dishes to look out for!