Dating in China 101

Dating in China 101

Ever wanted to know more about dating in China? What are Chinese men, women and, most importantly, parents looking for? Are marriage markets real? And what with all the singles? The dating world is unlike that of one that you’ve ever seen before so prepare yourself and use your Chinese skills!

Due to the ever-growing population, most of which primarily are men, dating in China is a competitive sport. Were you worried about having an impressive resume for future job endeavors? Imagine having to create one to attract potential spouses, talk about stressful!

The pressure lies more on Chinese women to marry quickly and marry young. As the Chinese educational system is very rigorous it leaves little to no time for the youth to go out and casually date. Ever had a first date at a restaurant? Or the cinema perhaps? That’s not the case in China. Here you can expect a first date in the library, studying together. Romantic, no?

Maybe you have some requirements? Must have a good sense of humor, love to travel etc. Well if you plan on entering the Chinese dating scene and do as the others do, you might want to reconsider those. How about: must have a car, secure job, good income and insurance.

Finding a life partner isn’t always about love here. As one game show contestant once said: “I would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle.”

Ever thought your parents were too involved in your dating life? You clearly haven’t met any Chinese parents. However, just like in most of our cultures, the first impression is the most important one. If your partners parents don’t like you, you’re out. Maybe time to brush up on your Chinese skills? Pop by the Hutong School to set up some lessons! Or, if you really want to impress them, apply for an internship. Nothing says good match like having a job!

When parents (or even grandparents!) aren’t busy setting up blind dates, you can find them at the marriage market.

What is a marriage market?

Woman, 25 years old, employed, owns car, looking for nice man – preferably with own apartment -with objective of marriage.

Parents and grandparents alike journey to People’s Square in Shanghai and take a seat, placing an umbrella with an advertisement-like flyer taped to it in front of them. Welcome to the lonely hearts club. The aim is to find a suitable match for your (grand)child, and the options for those looking are endless.

Still can’t find a match?

No problem, Single’s Day is just around the corner! November 11th (11/11) is national Single’s Day in China. While it has turned more into a Chinese version of Black Friday, foreigners often love the idea of this day. 11/11 is widely celebrated through shopping sprees and parties across the country. In 2016, Single’s Day generated a revenue of 120.7B RMB on Alibaba alone!

Have you ever encountered something strange when venturing into the Chinese dating world? Any tips for those willing to give it a try? Let us know!

1 Mar 2017

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